Many people complain about maths too heavy and useless. Can fully sympathize with these complaints. But it only reflects one thing: the way to take exams, teach and learn math somewhere makes mathematics too heavy, too formal, and useless. Actually math is very useful if you understand correctly. Especially in the automation and artificialization economy, the role of mathematics is increasingly important.
In order to learn math effectively, each mathematical concept must be associated with problems, arising from outside math, but need to use that math concept to model, perform and analyze. Of course, the mathematical model can develop internally (used to solve the problems of mathematics itself), but it is the work of a few pure mathematicians (or of The competition is for students who are particularly interested in mathematics), for most people (including most mathematicians), learning a new concept must be associated with a number of problems from outside it is necessary to use that new concept to model, when it is effective, it will be useful to see math.
A simple question of weight ratios shirt 
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